


Who is this?
What's his name?

                    小林 義典 【TOSS SANJO】


【準備するもの】 ●家族の指人形(紙に描いた絵でもよい) ●フラッシュカード(家族の呼称) ●白画用紙(人数分) ●筆記用具(個人)

T :Good morning, everyone.
I'm great. I'm OK. I'm so so. I'm not so good.等も教え,使う。

C :Good morning,○○(教師の名前).

T :How are you? 

C :I'm fine,thank you. And you?

T :I'm fine, too. Thank you.
T :Draw a picture of your family. For five minutes.
 Draw simply. (家族の絵を5分間で描かせる。)
T :Repeat after me, three times. [Mom]

C:Mom, mom, mom.
   Dad, grandma, grandpa, big sister, little sister,
   big brother, little brother

(お母さんの絵カードを示しながら)It's my mom.
 T :Repeat after me,  [It's my mom.]

C :It's my mom.

T :Repeat after me. [Who is this?].

C :Who is this?

(子どもがWho is this?と問い,教師が答える。)
C :Who is this?  T :It's my mom.
C :Who is this?  T :It's my dad.

T :Who is this?  C1:It's my grandpa.
T :Who is this?  C1:It's my little sister.
T :Who is this?  C1:It's my grandma.
C1の子どもにはGood job!などと言ってほめ,握手をする。
T :Thank you very much.

C1:You're welcome.

T :Clap your hands.(みんなで拍手)
T :Make pairs. One person ask a question.
  The other person answers the question.
  Practice each other. For one minute.
  Are you ready? Go!
 (1分後) Stop it. Time is up. That's excellent.

:Repeat after me. [What's her name?].

C :What's her name?(繰り返し練習する。)

T :Who is this?   C2:It's my grandma.
T :What's her name?   C2:Her name is Nobuko.
T :Thank you very much.   C2:You're welcome.
T :Clap your hands.(みんなで拍手)
C2の子どもにはThat's great!などとほめ,握手をする。
T :Please make pairs. One person ask a question.
  The other person answers the question.
  For one minute. Are you ready? Go!
  (1分後)Stop it. Time up. Super! Perfect!
T :Let's sing a song. [The bus song]
♪1) The people on the bus go up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
The people on the bus go up and down,
All through the town.
2) The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,....
3) The wheels on the bus go round, round, round,....
4) The baby on the bus cries wah, wah, wah,.....
5) The daddy on the bus snores zzz, zzz, zzz,....
6) The mammy on the bus says shhh, shhh, shhh,....
7) The driver on the bus goes honk, honk, honk,....
T :That's all for today. Let's call it a day. でもよい。

C :Thank you for your lesson. We had a very good time.

T :Thank you. I had a very good time, too.
  Good-bye everyone. See you next time.

C :Good-bye ○○. See you next time.

T :Good-bye everyone. See you next time. 下校時に握手しながら練習する。
See you on Friday. See you tomorrow. など。

C :Good-bye ○○. See you next time.